Summary of Lockdown Dialogues gives an overview of the current situation in society

The Lockdown Dialogues gave a unique picture of the lives of different groups in society from the start of the COVID-19 epidemic to the present.

Altogether 160 Lockdown Dialogues were held on five different days of discussion sessions from April to early June. These online dialogues attracted 1,100 people from different age groups and occupations from all over the country: from Lapland in the north to Uusimaa in the south, and from all points east to west.

There were also participants from elsewhere in Europe, Asia and the American continent. The Lockdown Dialogues were organised by 80 actors from all corners of society: organisations, municipalities, government ministries, religious communities, companies and private individuals.

The Lockdown Dialogues continued in the autumn under the title “Life after the lockdown”.

You can read the reports on our website

LOCKDOWN DIALOGUES 28 APRIL: Lockdown Dialogues continued and understanding was advanced

LOCKDOWN DIALOGUES 16 APRIL: Finnish people talked about the impacts of lockdown

LOCKDOWN DIALOGUES 12 MAY: Lockdown changes the boundaries of freedom

LOCKDOWN DIALOGUES 9 JUNE: Did we learn anything from the crisis?

Synopsis of the dialogues of the spring


LOCKDOWN DIALOGUES 22 OCTOBER: Prolonged pandemic puts confidence and faith in the future to the test

LOCKDOWN DIALOGUES 12 NOVEMBER: Changes in society and human mortality highlighted in the Lockdown Dialogues