Who is telling whose story matters enormously. Museums tell stories and throughout history they have played a major role in perpetuating stereotypes about minorities. In 2021, the National Museum of...
The IHMEMALLI project produced a current state description of the pre-trial investigation of human trafficking offenses in Finland and created a process description that supports nationwide consistency in handling such...
DEMOS addresses problems identified in all partner countries: the lack of dialogue, the crisis of democracy, growing social polarization, and difficulties in conflict resolution and communication among people with different...
The Timeout-method was quickly adopted as part of the Polamk projects The cooperation between the police and the Timeout- foundation started in 2021, when the project Public Communication of the...
To discuss the future of a resilient, more sustainable Faroese food system, a cross-sectoral dialogue was organized at Nordic House in Tórshavn on April 8th 2022. The dialogue gathered around...
Carbon Action carbon farmers have been active during the first three years of the project. A good moment for a Timeout was just before May Day that was cooler than...