
Let’s become the best in constructive dialogue!

What’s Timeout about?

Timeout is a new way to generate and have constructive discussions. You can use Timeout-dialogue whenever a deeper understanding of the topic or an equal encounter is required.

More about Timeout

Everybody should have an opportunity to participate in the conversation on big changes, such as the health and social services reform or the transformation of working life. At Timeout-event discussions, an atmosphere of equality is created by talking about experiences.

Hannele Laaksolahti, Senior Lead, Sitra

Timeout Foundation at the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit

Timeout Foundation participated in the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit. We participated in the event by hosting a workshop titled Bridging Differences: Understanding Through Dialogue.

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I have seen several times how the method works, and seen that discussion is worthwhile. Joint encounters have touched people who are very different from one another. Finland’s social peace will strengthen through dialogue.

Laura Arikka, CEO, Timeout Foundation